Brisbane's historic & decaying Howard Smith Warves, provides an ideal location for design experimentation.

Thursday 16 June 2011


Project: Considering the time restrictions I had I was happy to be able to present at the specified time.  On the other hand, I am quite disappointed in myself for not being able to have a more resolved design. I was also disappointed I did not include some computer renders for my presentation... this is one thing I must learn how to do better over the mid-year break.  I got some good constructive feedback at the presentation which was helpful; 1) strong concept... should have developed this through better & 2) missed a step from concept to design.... which could have been resolved better. I have taken this on board and appreciate that I should of really developed my initial concept better, as I myself also liked it. It was all about the reflectivity of the cbd buildings and the views in eachother that they produce (which I got from doing the Walkshop earlier in the semester & which also helped to produce my folie concept). Also, I was quite impressed with many of my fellow students work... many students had a well resolved library & showed much growth of design skill which was inspirational to see.

Unit: This unit has been quite demanding but in saying that, I have also learnt a lot in the process. My favourite project of the unit was by far the Folie.  I found it the most interesting and practical.  However, I found the second collaborative project quite demanding but I learnt some more skills for communicating in diverse groups which was useful and also started to use Skype as a reliable communication tool to connect with our overseas team mates. Although I was happy with where my third project was going, it would have been good to allow more time to resolve it further, as mentioned above.  Overall, this semester's design work has at times pushed me out of my comfort zone, especially during the second project.  In hindsight these where the times that I performed better and learnt the most.

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