Brisbane's historic & decaying Howard Smith Warves, provides an ideal location for design experimentation.

Tuesday 3 May 2011


A flexible layout was integral to our concept and design.  All the key spaces are designed  to have a multitude of uses so as to be flexible to the needs of the users. Digital technology is key to the functioning of the Library.  The team found many ingenious technological inventions to incorporate into the Library such as, Sharing walls (where you can put you iPod up to the screen to either retrieve information shown or share info), Sharing Pods, book projections and walls lining with projections of blogs and virtual information from the internet. Below are zoning floor plans for the Library which shows only key information. The inviting flexible outdoor area attracts people to visit and relax. The "Outdoor Cinema" and cafe areas act as secondary highlights to the site/ Library. This "Outdoor Cinema Area" could also be used to hold plays, shows and functions.

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