Brisbane's historic & decaying Howard Smith Warves, provides an ideal location for design experimentation.

Tuesday 3 May 2011


One of the first tasks was to get a concept for our Library that tied in with both the site and our previous concepts. Initially our theme was not strong but we eventually came up with the theme of: "Visual interaction creates social connections." The site is a centre hub that both physically or visually connects with its surrounds. It was this site's visual connection that made us think about how the site could visually reflect the people that use the site. The image below shows some of our development diagrams.
The Library must make People the main focus but yet connect with the site.  The idea of having the whole Library facade lit up with digital projections that were selected topics from people in community enabled us to create this concept.
The above is an example of some of the bubble diagrams used to decide what areas are needed in the Library and topics need to be included.

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