Brisbane's historic & decaying Howard Smith Warves, provides an ideal location for design experimentation.

Thursday 16 June 2011


Project: Considering the time restrictions I had I was happy to be able to present at the specified time.  On the other hand, I am quite disappointed in myself for not being able to have a more resolved design. I was also disappointed I did not include some computer renders for my presentation... this is one thing I must learn how to do better over the mid-year break.  I got some good constructive feedback at the presentation which was helpful; 1) strong concept... should have developed this through better & 2) missed a step from concept to design.... which could have been resolved better. I have taken this on board and appreciate that I should of really developed my initial concept better, as I myself also liked it. It was all about the reflectivity of the cbd buildings and the views in eachother that they produce (which I got from doing the Walkshop earlier in the semester & which also helped to produce my folie concept). Also, I was quite impressed with many of my fellow students work... many students had a well resolved library & showed much growth of design skill which was inspirational to see.

Unit: This unit has been quite demanding but in saying that, I have also learnt a lot in the process. My favourite project of the unit was by far the Folie.  I found it the most interesting and practical.  However, I found the second collaborative project quite demanding but I learnt some more skills for communicating in diverse groups which was useful and also started to use Skype as a reliable communication tool to connect with our overseas team mates. Although I was happy with where my third project was going, it would have been good to allow more time to resolve it further, as mentioned above.  Overall, this semester's design work has at times pushed me out of my comfort zone, especially during the second project.  In hindsight these where the times that I performed better and learnt the most.


The following hand drawings are of some of the main areas within the library. Although they try to communicate how the spaces would be used be users, they did not come out as well as I would have like. Next time I will definitely try to computer render these as I feel they lack a certain depth that would have been better expressed and shown through a computer rendering process.


Below are two external perspectives (hand drawn) of the library in its surround. Perspective one is viewed from above and the second perspective is drawn as if one was walking toward the entry. These drawings provide more of a realistic image of what people would see on approach to the site.


The following shows a longitudinal and cross section of the library. (Both hand drawn). 


The following images are the two main elevations that people will see on approach to the library.  Both hand drawn, the west elevation shows how vivid the facade would be and how the projected facade would cloak the 'hard' building form.

Monday 13 June 2011


Below is my final site plan showing the library form and location and my floor plan.

(As described in one of my bubble diagrams, positions of the rooms are located closer to the entry if they involve short activites). The staggered form represents the growth one develops when they're voice is heard. The form wraps around the central courtyard/theatre which represents the welcoming aspect the library has to all. 


The following are some sketches of the draft floor plan and form of my library.  I wanted to continue to use the interactive technology that was chosen in project 2 so the facade needed to remain plain as the projectors will still be used to project images onto the facade.  However, I wanted to simplify the form so as not to overwhelm the site especially since it is right next to the Storey Bridge.

Monday 30 May 2011


The following are some diagrams still relevant from project 2.  Below is also my concept development  throughout the unit. The concept for Project 3 is: "Every reflection has a voice." Meaning that every person has the right to voice they're opinion. This Library was decided to be a place where people of the community or (tourists visiting the area) could come a have they're say on community maters that were concering them or perhaps what they would like the city to provide in the future. This library would also be an outlet that would bring concerns to the appropriate level of government and push for action and a resolution for the people. On the second slide are some bubble diagrams relevant to project 3.  These diagrams help me to figure out which areas are needed and spatial adjacencies required for my library to function successfully.

Tuesday 17 May 2011



Project 3 looks interesting but there is not a lot of time to get it finished along with all the other projects that are due around the same time.  To start with I decided to alter my design concept from project 2 as I felt this could have been more specific. I also started to map what rooms/areas I would need based on this change. The following is an example of this development:

Wednesday 4 May 2011


All the work for the Library has been done.  All that remains is to complete the presentation slide show and rehearse. We have decided to use Google Docs for this presentation as the 'Pressie' show we did for the Wk 8 interim presentation was not a hit (although we thought it worked quite well).  The Hong Kong team have focused on the interaction of systems within the Library and are preparing a video to show during the presentation.  We have strived to use many different media, in the form of video, computer model and render and hand drawings to provide interest and divisification -Which also links with our Library's 'visual concept.'


External Perspective of the Library showing the main pathway and grounds of the library.


This image above shows the "Social Corner" area seating, projection wall on the left and Sharing wall in the background.

The image above shows an external perpective of the Library, with views toward the "Outdoor Cinema". The external "visual" walls can also be notice which attract passers-by from a multiple of angles.


The image above shows the upstairs "Quiet Area" with Sharing wall and projection wall. Here the area has moveable seating.

This image shows the front information desk, internal ramp and projection wall. 


The image above is the building shown in a flood scenario.  If it flooded in Brisbane the Building could be used as a rescue/ resource point.  The back "Outdoor Social Area" could be used to hold rescue packages.  Boats would also be able to drop flood victims off in the building where they could retreat to safety via the external ramp.  (The Server room is located upstairs so that in the event of a flood it is less likely to be effected - ). A small generator would also need to be housed high up on the site to facilitate a small amount of power in case of a flood emergency.
This view is a perspective of the upstairs "Quiet Area." The Projectors can be seen displaying images on the Projection Wall. This is a flexible space where furniture can be changed and moved.


The section above shows how areas in the Library work together.

This view is of the external ramp and back "Social Area".  This area is also a multi-function area, here it shows a place for reading with moveable seating.


The image above is a cross-section that gives an indication on how some of the areas function. The Storey Bridge and footings can also be seen which give the Library a sense of place in the site.
This image shows the building without the roof.  This allows us a view into the "Main Library Area", upstairs "Quiet Area," "Outdoor Social Area" and external ramp. Here the "Outdoor Social Area" is being used as a function space.

Tuesday 3 May 2011


These freehand sketches helped me visually portray the Library's outdoor space and parkland.

Above: Views of possible flexible seating and people sitting on the grass watching the cinema screen.

Above: view of people watching the cinema screen under the bridge.  After talking to my team members, it was later decided to move the screen to one of the Library walls.


As visulisation was integral to our Library design, Ray's model (above) helped everyone visualise our design/ concept and helped me formulate perspectives.


A flexible layout was integral to our concept and design.  All the key spaces are designed  to have a multitude of uses so as to be flexible to the needs of the users. Digital technology is key to the functioning of the Library.  The team found many ingenious technological inventions to incorporate into the Library such as, Sharing walls (where you can put you iPod up to the screen to either retrieve information shown or share info), Sharing Pods, book projections and walls lining with projections of blogs and virtual information from the internet. Below are zoning floor plans for the Library which shows only key information. The inviting flexible outdoor area attracts people to visit and relax. The "Outdoor Cinema" and cafe areas act as secondary highlights to the site/ Library. This "Outdoor Cinema Area" could also be used to hold plays, shows and functions.


We decided to do some bubble diagrams that showed the rooms we required in our library and the relationship to eachother.

This helped us make sure the spaces could be functionally used.


The week 8 interim presentation was a bit of a wake-up call.  Although we had done a fair bit of work, things still needed resolving and more work was needed for the final presentation in Wk 9.  Below is a list of things that we needed to resolve:


The Group facebook page has been extremely useful in communicating with everyone.  Skype is great but sometimes the line drops out or its hard to hear.  On the group page we are posting ideas and comments about our work and our thougths.  Raymond has started to do a Model in ArchiCad as the facade is integral to our concept and design.  We have decided to do an angular facade so that people at any angle can view the projections. This will also create a feel of connection with the local community.  As the site location is critical to the Library, a user analysis among other things was undertaken to see; Who, When and Why people are currently using the area and for us to better understand how to attract more people to the new Library.  User analysis is shown below:


One of the first tasks was to get a concept for our Library that tied in with both the site and our previous concepts. Initially our theme was not strong but we eventually came up with the theme of: "Visual interaction creates social connections." The site is a centre hub that both physically or visually connects with its surrounds. It was this site's visual connection that made us think about how the site could visually reflect the people that use the site. The image below shows some of our development diagrams.
The Library must make People the main focus but yet connect with the site.  The idea of having the whole Library facade lit up with digital projections that were selected topics from people in community enabled us to create this concept.
The above is an example of some of the bubble diagrams used to decide what areas are needed in the Library and topics need to be included.


The first Skype meeting was when I first met Edward and Rosa, our Hong Kong team members.  We discussed during class what makes a Library a special place for us and what would we like to see in a Library for the future.  Basically, the themes of advanced technology and social interaction kept coming up.  We also discused initial task that needed to be done.  A facebook group was also set up where the four of us could exchange our ideas and work to eachother.


As it happenes I got allocated to the Colaborative Hong Kong Theme Group. Here we have group work both with someone from QUT and with people from Hong Kong. Together we have to design a "Library for the future" at the Howard Smith Wharves Site. My fellow team mate from QUT is Raymond Steau.  At this early stage of the project, it seems quiet a daunting task to colaborate.


This is my finished Folie panel for the exhibition:


Above: Site Plan of Howard Smith Wharves

Above: Front Elevation of Folie

Above: Folie Floor Plan

Above: Folie roof plan

Above: Roof plan including pathway access to Folie

Above: Section of Folie

Above: Perspective of Folie from existing cliff walkway.


I decided to do the description paragraph as if the Folie itself was talking.  To me this way best described its unique individual features...

“I am the heart of the city, a beacon above the old port.  I can be seen from a distance making me a connecting point that brings people together.  I am bold but seemingly invisible, I am always in disguise. I seamlessly replicate a sense of time and movement from my static position by reflecting my surrounds from my many angles during the day and reflecting the city lights at night. From my cliff-top position I am always watching, boats approach under my gaze.  Although my shiny aluminium skin looks thin, my bones are of steel.  Therefore I welcome you, young and old, local or not.  Come gaze from my framed windows that capture the essence of the Storey Bridge, Howard Smith Wharves and the city skyscrapers which I reflect.  Visit me during the week and see the changing sights.  Stop by on your Saturday walk or perhaps catch a bus and bring your family for a Sunday lunch to sit beneath me under the trees and watch the city cat’s go by.  Along with my vast qualities, I see time come and go, If you look hard enough you may see the old boats of the past docked down below.  However, on my skin you will also see yourself blurred into the surrounding reflections; here you will always feel connected to this ever growing, ever changing city.”


Making a physical model enabled me to really see how my Folie would work and look.